

When To Check Air Quality In a Home or Business

When To Check Air Quality In a Home or Business

Good air quality is important for everyone, but testing is especially vital for at-risk industries such as hospitals, manufacturing plants, nursing homes, and businesses where sensitive individuals live or work. We realize the importance of expedited results for businesses. Our standard analytical turnaround time is 5 business days. Additionally, we offer rush turnaround times as soon as the same day. We ensure accurate, professional results from our state-of-the-art lab.

Checking air quality in your home or business is not just a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of everyone in that space. By staying vigilant during specific events you can breathe easy knowing that you are actively contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

These specific events are our top picks for homeowners and businesses wondering when to incorporate professional air quality testing.

1. New Home or Renovation Projects

When moving into a new home or undertaking renovation projects, checking air quality is essential. VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are an umbrella term for over 10,000 chemical compounds that may be found in your indoor air. They can be emitted from building materials and even personal care products often emit VOCs.

These VOCs can linger unknowingly in the air and cause respiratory issues. Ensuring good air quality at the start sets the foundation for a healthy living space going forward.

2. After Remodeling or Repairs

Even minor remodeling activities can impact air quality. Dust, debris, and the release of potentially harmful substances from building materials during construction work and repairs can affect indoor air. After completing these projects, our experts advise checking the air quality to make sure it’s at a safe level and ensure that no pollutants have been stirred up throughout the process.

3. Seasonal Changes

Different seasons bring unique challenges to indoor air quality. In winter, homes are sealed tight to conserve heat, potentially trapping indoor pollutants. In contrast, spring and summer may bring pollen and outdoor allergens inside. Checking air quality with each change of season helps you address specific challenges and maintain a healthy indoor environment.

4. Allergy or Respiratory Symptoms

If any occupants or employees experience unexplained allergies or respiratory symptoms, it can indicate poor indoor air quality. Common respiratory symptoms resulting from indoor air pollutants include coughing, sneezing, congestion, or more severe issues like asthma attacks. Regular air quality checks can help identify the source of the problem and guide effective solutions for homes and businesses.

5. Presence of Unpleasant Odors

Unpleasant odors often indicate the presence of pollutants or contaminants in the air. While some odors might be harmless, others could indicate mold, mildew, or chemical pollutants. Investigating and addressing the source of odors promptly can prevent long-term air quality issues. It’s important to note that odorless air pollutants can go unnoticed and are only discovered upon testing.

6. Before Purchasing or Renting a Property

Before committing to a new home or business space, it’s wise to check the air quality. This is particularly important in older buildings that may have hidden issues like mold or asbestos. A thorough air quality assessment can help you make an informed decision about the safety of the space.

7. Regular Maintenance

Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining good air quality. Implementing a routine air quality check as part of your regular maintenance schedule can help you catch and address issues early. This proactive approach ensures a consistent and healthy indoor environment.

Trusted Air Quality Testing with SanAir Technologies Laboratory

Testing air quality and identifying air pollutants is important in your home or business. Our expert staff ensures reliable and fast results. Call us at 1-888-895-1177 to speak to an expert about your air quality testing needs or visit us online.


Common Air Pollutants and Where They Are Found

Common Air Pollutants and Where They Are Found

Air pollutants are defined as natural or artificial substances introduced into the environment and thus affecting the air quality. These pollutants create possible health risks for those who breathe the air.

There are some substances that more commonly pollute the indoor and outdoor air we breathe and some of those are more harmful than others.

Carbon monoxide is found in the air and can be fatal

Carbon monoxide is a result of the “incomplete burning” of material and fuel such as wood and gas. Incomplete burning simply means there isn’t sufficient oxygen for a complete burn. Carbon monoxide can be found wherever this occurs.

This air pollutant poses a potentially fatal risk. If there is exposure it can be life-threatening in very little time. When running any type of generator or other motor, be sure it’s a well-ventilated area and not indoors.

Particulate matter can result in respiratory problems

Particulate matter, also called particulate pollution, is a mixture of solid and liquid droplets either emitted directly or formed. These particles can sometimes appear in the form of dust, other times they can be so small that they are only visible with a microscope.

Construction and smoke can be contributing factors. The haze that appears outdoors when there is heavy smoke such as that from wildfires, is due to fine particles in the air. Some haze-causing particles are emitted into the air directly from soot. Lungs can be negatively affected by this particulate matter.

The EPA measures particulate matter and will issue air quality alerts if there’s a risk. Some particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter can negatively affect your lungs and some may even get into your bloodstream. When particles are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter they pose an even greater risk.

Asbestos is found in homes and buildings

This air pollutant is a little different than others as it typically gets into the air only when there is a disturbance. Asbestos can be found in a variety of building materials used for insulation and as a fire retardant. It is more commonly found in older buildings and homes and has since been put under strict regulations and partial bans for future use.

When materials are moved around and disturbed during work, such as demolition and construction in homes where asbestos was used, it creates a risk as this harmful pollutant becomes airborne. It can result in severe lung diseases such as mesothelioma.

Radon is everywhere in the soil

Radon is found naturally in the environment and is a result of the natural breakdown of uranium. Since uranium is found in rocks and soil as well as water it is a common air pollutant. Radon also travels into the air via building materials.

The risk factors for health problems related to radon exposure occur in enclosed spaces especially when levels are elevated. Homes with basements can have more risk of exposure than slab-on-grade foundations.

SanAir Technologies Laboratory The Identification Specialists

Testing air quality and identifying air pollutants is vital. If you require testing and have any questions about the process, we are here to help. Our professional staff will ensure you receive the customer care you and your family deserve as well as reliable test results. Call us at 1-888-895-1177 to speak to an expert about your air quality testing needs or visit us online.


Recent Legionnaires’ Outbreaks in 2023

Recent Legionnaires’ Outbreaks in 2023

Since 2000, reported cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the United States have grown by nearly nine times. It’s uncertain whether this is due to awareness and testing, an increase in the vulnerable population, more Legionella bacteria in the environment, or a combination of factors.

A study estimated that the actual number of Legionnaires’ disease may be between 1.8 – 2.7 times higher than reported.

Legionnaires’ disease is a serious type of pneumonia that is caused by Legionella bacteria. Outbreaks tend to spike in the summer and early fall but can occur at any time of the year.

The summer of 2023 has seen an uptick in people contracting Legionnaires’ disease, particularly in large metropolitan areas like Las Vegas and New York City.

How Legionnaires’ Disease Spreads

Legionella bacteria are naturally found in freshwater, like streams and lakes but can become a concern when it spreads to human-made water systems like hot tubs, water tanks, plumbing systems, and cooling towers.

When Legionella grows in water systems, it can spread in small droplets in the water. People can become ill when they breathe in droplets that are contaminated with Legionella bacteria. Since Legionnaires’ is a type of pneumonia, symptoms can vary, but shortness of breath, fatigue, fever, chills, headaches, and muscle aches are some of the most common.

New York City: 3 Confirmed Cases

Within the past 12 months, three guests who stayed at the InterContinental New York Barclay Hotel in Midtown have contracted Legionnaires’ disease. According to the New York City Department of Health, testing confirmed Legionella bacteria in the hotel’s water system.

As a result, the hotel released a statement that they were being proactive to ensure the water remains safe and guests may notice the water temperature is hotter than usual.

Las Vegas Hotel: 2 Confirmed Cases

Two guests developed Legionnaires’ disease after staying at the Orleans Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas in December 2022 and January 2023. The Health District had environmental testing done on hotel water samples, which confirmed the presence of Legionella bacteria.

The hotel promptly reached out to past guests to inform them of possible exposure and started remediation procedures along with a water management plan to prevent future exposure.

Grand Rapids, MN: 5 Confirmed Cases

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is investigating to determine the source of a cluster of Legionnaires’ in Grand Rapids, Minnesota after five people contracted the disease. The five adults became sick and were hospitalized between the end of April and mid-July, all of whom live or spent time in Grand Rapids.

In 2022, Minnesota reported 109 cases of Legionnaires’ disease, although they were not associated with any outbreak or cluster, and were considered sporadic.

Legionella Identification Testing

Comprehensive testing is the first step in prevention. Our Legionella Detection Program is an inclusive system approach, performed using conventional culture methods to identify isolates of Legionella pneumophila or other Legionella species with high accuracy.

The Environmental Legionella Isolation Techniques Evaluation (ELITE) program is the only official Legionella testing certification program in the United States, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In 2009, SanAir Technologies Laboratory was accredited by the CDC ELITE program as an ELITE program member.

For Legionella Identification Testing, contact SanAir Technologies Laboratory by calling 888-895-1177 or reach out online. We can provide sample collection materials and instructions to complete Legionella testing and test your sample quickly in our state-of-the-art laboratory.


Best States for Air and Water Quality

Best States for Air and Water Quality

As we become more aware of the effects of environmental pollution on the water and the atmosphere, many are striving to move to locations where there is cleaner air and water. At this point, there’s no doubt that smog, exhaust, construction, and man-made materials have caused health issues in humans living in areas with a high concentration of these pollutants.

We’ve scoured the internet to find the overall best states for air and water quality so that you can be aware of any potential hazards.


The 50th state, Hawaii, ranks number one for both air and water quality, according to numerous studies. Of course, Hawaii has unique environmental challenges relating to rising sea levels, increasing human expansion, and erosion. However, being one of the last states to be populated, they still have large expanses of nature that remain untouched. Also as an effect, their cities are newer than many of those around the United States, so they contain fewer pollutants like lead, asbestos, arsenic, copper, salts, pesticides, and other contaminants that affect water quality.


Another large state with prodigious nature, Massachusetts ranks highly on the overall list. They rank sixth in air quality and fifth in water quality, a high rating. The MassDEP Drinking Water Program maintains that their water wells are kept in top condition, secured, and tested frequently. The air quality is a little lower in cities, which is normal, but most outlying towns are not as affected by the same problems.


Vermont makes the list as one of the best overall states for air and water quality. The American Lung Association hails Vermont as one of the best states for air quality. The Water Defense names Vermont ninth out of the top 10 states, as there have been some issues with occasional contamination in the last few years. However, 97% of homes in Vermont have access to clean drinking water, and that’s impressive.


Large and spacious with plenty of nature preserves and small cities, it’s one of the cleanest places to live, considering air and water quality. The state’s Department of Ecology says most areas remain in the AQI “Good” range year-round. Washington State already reports very few problems with drinking water, making it safe to drink. Their most significant environmental or air pollution issues come from cities with high traffic and occasional wildfires.


Making great strides to become environmentally friendly, Oregon is looking to become a clean economy by 2050 and creating pathways to state-wide renewable electricity sources. As air and water go, Oregon ranks among the top states for consistently clean air levels.

For full-service, diversified lab testing, call SanAir Technologies Laboratory at 1-888-895-1177 or contact us online. Our fully accredited lab uses state-of-the-art technology to provide fast and easy-to-read results.


5 Indoor Air Quality Facts & Statistics

5 Indoor Air Quality Facts & Statistics

Indoor air quality refers to the quality and content of the air where we spend a majority of our time, like at home, work, school, office buildings, etc. Places where you spend a lot of hours indoors often impact your health. You can avoid sick people because they’re showing symptoms, so you know to stay away from them, but without testing the particles, you don’t exactly know what’s in the air around you because it’s not visible.

The air can potentially have many hazards. Asbestos, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, radon, mold, pesticides, sulfur dioxide, ozone, viruses, pet dander, and other invisible pollutants can hide anywhere. Not every individual will feel the health effects, but some are more vulnerable. Those with compromised immune systems or respiratory issues may be particularly sensitive to these compounds.

Here are five interesting indoor air quality facts and statistics everyone should know.

Statistic: Annually 3.8 million people die from indoor airborne pollution

According to the World Health Organization’s stats, around 3.8 million individuals die every year from exposure to toxins in the air. The world’s poorest countries suffer the most, as many lack environmental regulation that prevents developers from using hazardous building materials or securing construction sites. Many of these individuals also lack access to care, as you can treat many respiratory illnesses caused by environmental factors.

Fact: Smoking is one of the top causes of indoor air pollution

The WHO and CDC have issued many warnings about the effects of smoking cigarettes. Still, a 2020 study on common air pollutants found that cigarette smoke is a significant source of particulate matter. For example, the WHO explains that PM2.5, a fine particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter, is one of the most dangerous pollutants. The 2020 study found that smoking in an enclosed area increases the concentration of PM2.5 from 25 to 45 µg /m3.

Statistic: Mortality in women is 50% higher due to air pollutants than in males

All over the world, more women find themselves at home for more extended periods of time than men, therefore exposing themselves to poor indoor air quality at a higher rate. Women are also commonly in charge of tasks that are prone to increased air pollution — cooking on gas, kerosene, charcoal, and other stoves is found to increase the speed of premature death due to the particulate matter released, says The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Cleaning products and solutions are also made from various chemicals that impact human health.

Fact: Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer

Radon is an invisible radioactive gas that emerges naturally from rocks, soil, and water. It can be brought into homes and office buildings through cracks or holes and builds up in the air. A CDC study found that radon is common enough that it is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. It’s the number one environmental cause of the disease.

Fact: New York, and other big cities, emit more building air pollution than anywhere else

Those living in big cities in states including New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, and California are at the most risk of indoor air pollution. Between the construction, building ages, and time spent indoors in large buildings where the air is circulated, these cities produce so much air pollution from fuel combustion that individuals should take extra care to have the air tested.

Air Quality Testing Nationwide

For 20 years, SanAir Technologies Laboratory has been trusted to test air, water, and soil samples for quality throughout the US. Call us at 1-888-895-1177 or contact us online to speak to an expert about your environmental testing needs. We’ll get all the materials you need overnight to ensure that your property is safe from environmental hazards.


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