SanAir’s Centek division has extensive experience sampling and analyzing a broad range of air contaminants including Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). We have worked throughout the United States with vapor intrusion testing.
Specific target compounds for analysis include, but are not limited to, chlorinated solvents (PCE, TCE and their breakdown products such as vinyl chloride, 1,1-DCE and others), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, fuel aromatics, and fuel oxygenates. In addition to Centek’s TO-15 list, we can scan for more than 125,000 additional hazardous compounds within the air matrix using Tentatively Identified Compounds (TIC) analysis.Centek’s sampling equipment is readily available for your project as soon as the next day. We offer innovative silonite coated summa technology using a wide variety of containers including Tedlar bags, 400cc canisters, 1L canisters, 1.4L canisters and 6L canisters. Equipment rentals are included FREE OF CHARGE. Centek also offers Helium Leak Testing Soil Gas Tracer kits at no additional charge.
Our instrumentation can be modified by our technical staff according to your project’s needs to achieve low detection limits while maintaining the highest quality data for your Vapor Intrusion projects. We work with large conglomerates, government agencies, as well as smaller private firms and homeowners.
Centek holds NELAC and ISO 17025:2017 (LAP-182993) certification to run EPA Method TO-15, as well as several other local, state and federal programs. Contact the laboratory for our most up to date certification information.