
When To Check Air Quality In a Home or Business

When To Check Air Quality In a Home or Business

Good air quality is important for everyone, but testing is especially vital for at-risk industries such as hospitals, manufacturing plants, nursing homes, and businesses where sensitive individuals live or work. We realize the importance of expedited results for businesses. Our standard analytical turnaround time is 5 business days. Additionally, we offer rush turnaround times as soon as the same day. We ensure accurate, professional results from our state-of-the-art lab.

Checking air quality in your home or business is not just a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of everyone in that space. By staying vigilant during specific events you can breathe easy knowing that you are actively contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

These specific events are our top picks for homeowners and businesses wondering when to incorporate professional air quality testing.

1. New Home or Renovation Projects

When moving into a new home or undertaking renovation projects, checking air quality is essential. VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are an umbrella term for over 10,000 chemical compounds that may be found in your indoor air. They can be emitted from building materials and even personal care products often emit VOCs.

These VOCs can linger unknowingly in the air and cause respiratory issues. Ensuring good air quality at the start sets the foundation for a healthy living space going forward.

2. After Remodeling or Repairs

Even minor remodeling activities can impact air quality. Dust, debris, and the release of potentially harmful substances from building materials during construction work and repairs can affect indoor air. After completing these projects, our experts advise checking the air quality to make sure it’s at a safe level and ensure that no pollutants have been stirred up throughout the process.

3. Seasonal Changes

Different seasons bring unique challenges to indoor air quality. In winter, homes are sealed tight to conserve heat, potentially trapping indoor pollutants. In contrast, spring and summer may bring pollen and outdoor allergens inside. Checking air quality with each change of season helps you address specific challenges and maintain a healthy indoor environment.

4. Allergy or Respiratory Symptoms

If any occupants or employees experience unexplained allergies or respiratory symptoms, it can indicate poor indoor air quality. Common respiratory symptoms resulting from indoor air pollutants include coughing, sneezing, congestion, or more severe issues like asthma attacks. Regular air quality checks can help identify the source of the problem and guide effective solutions for homes and businesses.

5. Presence of Unpleasant Odors

Unpleasant odors often indicate the presence of pollutants or contaminants in the air. While some odors might be harmless, others could indicate mold, mildew, or chemical pollutants. Investigating and addressing the source of odors promptly can prevent long-term air quality issues. It’s important to note that odorless air pollutants can go unnoticed and are only discovered upon testing.

6. Before Purchasing or Renting a Property

Before committing to a new home or business space, it’s wise to check the air quality. This is particularly important in older buildings that may have hidden issues like mold or asbestos. A thorough air quality assessment can help you make an informed decision about the safety of the space.

7. Regular Maintenance

Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining good air quality. Implementing a routine air quality check as part of your regular maintenance schedule can help you catch and address issues early. This proactive approach ensures a consistent and healthy indoor environment.

Trusted Air Quality Testing with SanAir Technologies Laboratory

Testing air quality and identifying air pollutants is important in your home or business. Our expert staff ensures reliable and fast results. Call us at 1-888-895-1177 to speak to an expert about your air quality testing needs or visit us online.


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